Education & Outreach
For over 15 years, the Aurora House Foundation has provided compassionate care to individuals and their families as they approach the last stages of life. We are privileged to provide educational programming and resources related to end-of-life issues for students, professionals, and our community.

Clinical Education
Aurora House Education Center for Palliative Care (AHEC-PC) provides both didactic and clinical learning for nurses and nursing students throughout the Rio Grande Valley.
Aurora House Community Resource Guide offers a list of available resources/services related to mental health, grief and bereavement support, medical services, family services, food dispensaries, legal services, funeral services, home care services, etc. to people in the Rio Grande Valley (available in English and Spanish).

Aurora House Education Center for Palliative Care offers a variety of educational programs related to end-of-life planning, caregiving, grief support, and discussion groups with the goal of recognizing dying as a normal part of life and raising awareness of end-of-life care and preparation.